Our Lady of Mercy N.S. Parents Committee
The Aims of the Parents Council are:-
- To make parents aware of their role, rights & duties in regard to the school.
- To assist parents to acquire the skills which this role demands, by way of discussions, talks, etc.
- To promote the development of the educational services within the school.
The Parents Committee enables parents to work in a positive partnership between the home and the school and encourages a participative role for parents, in their child's education. Over the years the Parents Committee has made a significant contribution to our school, with regular input into
school policy documents, fundraising for improved facilities and in the promotion of the school in the wider community. Meetings are held once a month in the school and all Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend.
The A.G.M. of the Parents' Council is held in October each year.
Please support your Parents' Council.